We confess the historic, orthodox Christian faith as found in Holy Scripture. We also confess the 1689 Confession of Faith as espousing essential doctrines which we find in Scripture. This is completely sufficient for our purposes. We affirm the 5 solas of the Reformation in our preaching and teaching. These are:
Scripture Alone – We confess the Scriptures to be completely infallible and inerrant in the original autographs, and to be the only source of written divine revelation. To this we submit and bind our consciences. All that is necessary for salvation is to be found in this sufficient divine revelation. We endeavor by God’s grace to conform our lives to the authority and teaching of the Bible.
Christ Alone – We acknowledge that without the righteousness of Christ imputed to us in justification we must be lost and perish in our sins. This makes Christ and his sacrificial death fundamental and vital to our salvation. We confess that Jesus died for his people. He is their mediator which function he demonstrates in the offices of Prophet, Priest and King.
Grace Alone – We confess that salvation is by grace alone through faith. We confess the irresistible drawing power of the Holy Spirit in effectual calling bringing us to Christ resulting in regeneration. We deny any part of so-called free will as having a part in our salvation. We are sustained always by God’s free grace.
Faith Alone – We confess that faith is a gift of God and not from us. The result of faith is that we are justified before God and by God alone. The righteousness of Jesus alone satisfies divine justice for us.
To God Alone be the Glory – All that God does and has done is for his Glory. He alone is sovereign. Our redemption is accomplished and applied to us solely by the power of God. As sinners saved by grace, it is our duty and delight to submit to this God, and to praise him for all that he is and has done.
We also reject false ideas, superstitious myths, and any unbiblical theory, such as the flat earth theory, and in addition all anti-trinitarian assaults against God. We reject critical race theories, but completely support that all people are created equal and in the image of God. We believe and support the biblical mandate that marriage is a God-ordained covenant union between a man and a woman only, with the result that a husband is a man and a wife is a woman. Membership at Bethel is required for anyone to be married in the church. We reject all false narratives concerning gender identity, believing that God made man, man and woman, woman. We reject all unbiblical sexual confusion and hold that God created men as males and women as females. We also accept and confess that the Bible defines homosexuality in both sexes as sin and most grievous to the Lord and to be repented of as the Corinthians did (1 Cor. 6:11). We also reject all charismatic word-faith ideas and doctrine as foreign to Scripture.
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