1689.4.1 (Of Creation) states that it simply pleased God in the beginning for the manifestation of the glory of his power, wisdom and goodness to create the world in six days.
What more do we need?
Reformed Baptist Congregation Exaltation | Edification | Evangelism
1689.4.1 (Of Creation) states that it simply pleased God in the beginning for the manifestation of the glory of his power, wisdom and goodness to create the world in six days.
What more do we need?
God is never the Author of sin, but He is always the Avenger of sin
Bavinck defines God’s providence this way:
“According to Scripture, providence is that act of God, by which, from moment to moment, he preserves and governs all things.”
(Reformed Dogmatics, Vol. 2, p. 596)
“Faith is the condition of our reception of life (Gal. 3:22). No person can quicken themselves; this is a thing the law is incapable of, and hence no good deed can obtain it for us (Gal. 3:21). It is the Holy Spirit who does the work in us.”
B B Warfield (Selected Shorter Writings)
“Unbelief will destroy the best of us; Faith will save the worst of us”
C H Spurgeon