autem praedicamus Christum crucifixum – which means “we preach Christ crucified”. Christ is the Power of God & the Wisdom of God and Paul preached in the demonstration of the Spirit & of power. Why did he do this? So that the faith of the Corinthians might rest in the power of God – (which is Christ). All of God’s promises to us are Yes & Amen in Christ. We have nothing & we are nothing apart from Jesus. Jesus said, “without me you can do nothing.” How quickly we forget this & work in our own strength & wisdom. Christ is our power & wisdom and he is this because of his death. Let us proclaim the power & wisdom of the Cross and live in the light of it.
Hell-Delivering Concern
How concerned are we for the lost? Do we agonize painfully in prayer for their salvation. Do we declare the love of Christ for sinners? Doctrinal exactness is no substitute for preaching Jesus & him crucified. Without the love of Christ manifest in our lives & preaching – precision in theology will leave sinners cold & dead. I am all for doctrinal exactness and we should be very concerned for that – but let our hearts be fired with love from our doctrine for the sinner who is perishing. The lost husband or wife or child or friend. Pray about this – seek Christ about it – since he sought you and found you.