Everything we do at Bethel aims at reflecting what our logo represents – the exaltation of our glorious God, the edification of the people of God, and the evangelism of the world. We are committed to the Bible as the inspired, inerrant and infallible Word of God believing that it is our sufficient rule and authority for all of life. We are wholeheartedly committed to the local church and we seek to do this in a way that glorifies God. Our website does not replace the need for every Christian to find a place in a local church and to be of service in that local church. You will find a large array of resources on our site, which we pray will be of spiritual benefit to you.
We confess the historic, orthodox Christian faith as found in Holy Scripture. We also confess the 1689 Confession of Faith as espousing essential doctrines which we find in Scripture. This is completely sufficient for our purposes. We affirm the 5 solas of the Reformation in our preaching and teaching
We believe very strongly in exalting God. The Westminster Shorter Catechism’s very first question aims at the glory of God. Our enjoyment of God both in the present and in the future is directly linked to our glorifying of God. In view of our desire to worship God seriously we desire that the people of God be edified through the proclamation of the Word of God, through prayer, through observing the Lord’s Supper and through fellowship with each other. We also exist for the purpose of evangelism. It is the responsibility of every Christian to be a witness for Christ, in the workplace, in the home, at school or in visiting with friends and family.
We have a passion for loving each other in our church, but more importantly we love the Word of God, and this in turn is why we love each other. In fact this is one of the things that people always comment on when they visit us. Another very important fact is our commitment to the powerful, solid, biblical exposition of the Word of God. We are committed to preaching and teaching the Bible, so that God’s people can be established in their faith and can be more effective as they serve Christ in their homes, school or workplace. As a church, we are also greatly supportive of our missionaries. So, please come and worship with us. We would love to have you.
The leadership of the church is a plurality of Elders and Deacons. These are: Russ Atmore, Paul Watson (Elders); Luke Kaster (Deacon). There are other men who lead and minster the Word of God: Mick Dean, Jason Mullett, Tommy Valladares, Joshua Jorgensen.